Friday, August 23, 2013

Day 6 Tuesday August 20 – slow rate on 20m, I don’t care though as the “little pistol” stations are getting their chance to work a new IOTA.

For those JA stations that didn’t get in the log I apologise but I was trying. Again there were hours of unproductive CQ calls in the morning as there were very few signals on 15m. The routine continued by visiting 20m for long path Europe but conditions were not as good on 20m with few callers in the 0330-0445 UTC period. With a bit of DX cluster help again from Ray VK4NH the rate increased. I decided to stick with 20m at this time of day to give those stations with modest antennas and power a chance. I would love to give the big guns 3 bands for the IOTA marathon but the focus was to give everyone the chance to get a new IOTA. So the rate was a lot a slower but more people should be happy. An analysis of the log earlier today revealed that the number of JA logs were very low. I was hoping they’d find me on 20m in the 1030 UTC onwards period when I start looking for North America but that only really occurred on the first day. 

As soon as the European pile up subsided at 0745 UTC I went to 15m and called CQ and I was getting ready for the JA onslaught as most people there would be home from work at that time of the late afternoon. I couldn’t believe that 30 minutes of CQ’ing only resulted in a VK8, two DU’s, two JA’s and V51GB. It was so unproductive that V51GB kept on calling every 5-10 minutes to say I was strong and he didn’t know where everyone else was!!!! This was going nowhere so I went back to my 20m frequency at 0815 UTC and after a couple of CQ’s a two hour pile up into Europe occurred. I tried Japan, sorry. As per usual I had a meal break and worked into North America for a couple of hours before the band closed quite early at 1230 UTC.

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