Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday August 23 – Home safe and thoughts need to now turn to the rare OC-255 Red Island DXpedition in October.

Well I’m now home in Middleton. The single engine plane ride from Flinders Island to Port Lincoln was a wild 60 minutes with zero visibility most of the way in thick cloud and torrential rain and of course the strong winds were entertaining. So now it’s a matter of unpacking all of the gear and then preparing to pack and freight gear up to Bamaga in far north Queensland for the Red Island OC-255 DXpedition in October – oh shit that’s only 8 weeks away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just sent the photo for the QSL card to UX5UO and so I should receive the QSL cards soon. I’ll post on the blog when the QSL cards arrive.

I’ve sent my log to Club Log and so if you click on the icon on the top right hand corner of this blog site you can check to confirm you’re in the log. If your callsign doesn’t appear then send me an email at

Thank you to everyone for you kind words of encouragement during the trip when the bands weren’t quite open and for spotting me when the bands were open but people just hadn’t found me yet. I appreciate everyone’s help.  Please monitor the Red Island blog site for updates.

Thank you also to those of you who have or are going to help with sponsorship. I can honestly say that every contribution helps to fund these adventures. My wife is happy for me to do 1 or 2 IOTA DXpeditions each year as long as I can figure out how to fund it!! There are a few islands that I’m doing my usual initial feasibility assessments. Of course my wife is 

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